What is a design with a transparent background?

An image with a transparent background is one that contains a transparent alpha channel. Tostadora accepts PNG files for this purpose.

GIF, TIFF, BMP, PDF, PSD or Word formats are not supported. GIF, TIFF, BMP and PSD can be converted to JPG or PNG with most image editing programs (such as Adobe Photoshop).

The PNG can have a maximum size of 5 MB, and MINIMUM resolution must be 120 pixels per inch.

Examples of designs without background in PNG format:

What is a solid design or photograph?

A solid design is one that occupies the entire width and height of the image, so that there are no areas within it that should not be printed (for example, a photograph taken with a digital camera).

GIF, TIFF, BMP, PDF, PSD or Word formats are not supported. GIF, TIFF, BMP and PSD can be converted to JPG or PNG with most image editing programs (such as Adobe Photoshop).

The JPG can have a maximum size of 5 MB, and minimum resolution must be 120 pixels per inch.

Examples of solid designs in JPG format:

Attention: Incorrect designs!

Images uploaded with black or white backgrounds, or any other colour trying to 'blend in' with the colour of the shirt to seem unnoticeable are incorrect! Our printing system WILL NOT IGNORE backgrounds and will always print them (except when they are in transparent PNG format). It is  impossible for the colours of the shirt and the colours of the background to be blended so as to be unnoticeable due to the variances in shades. The end result will most likely lead to a very unsatsifcactory printed product.

Remember, what you see in the Personaliser is what will be printed! If there's something that doesn't look right, it will ultimatey be printed in the same way! So please ensure that before confirming the product that everything looks perfect!

Examples of incorrect images: