- For shipments to the UK / USA we offer free delivery on all orders with 3 or more items.
- Orders with 1 item, shipping costs are 2.95 GBP.
- Orders with 1 item, shipping costs for USA are 6.90 $.
For Europe:
- 5,50 GBP (1 item)
- 6,30 GBP (2 items)
- 9,00 GBP (3-5 items)
- 12,60 GBP (6 or more items)
Rest of the world:
- 6,40 GBP (1 item)
- 9,00 GBP (2 items)
- 15,30 GBP (3-5 items)
Attention: European and rest of the world shipping costs are approximate. For exact information, follow the ordering process.